SMALL TORTOISESHELL Aglais urticae (The Moors - RB & GJ)

COMMA Nymphalis c-album (Mercers CP - RB & GJ)

RED ADMIRAL Vanessa atalanta (Mercers CP & The Moors - GJ)
PEACOCK Nyphalis io (The Moors & larvae Spynes Mere - GJ)
PAINTED LADY Vanessa cardui (The Moors & Water Colours - GJ)

CLOUDED YELLOW Colias croceus (The Moors - RB)
GATEKEEPER Maniola tithonius (male & female The Moors - GJ)
GATEKEEPER Maniola tithonius (The Moors - GJ)

MEADOW BROWN Maniola jurtina (Spynes Mere - GJ & JB)
RINGLET Aphantopus hyperantus (The Moors - GJ)

SPECKLED WOOD Pararge aegeria (Mercers CP - GJ)

LARGE SKIPPER Ochlodes venata (The Moors - GJ)
SMALL SKIPPER Thymelicus sylvestris (Spynes Mere - GJ)

ESSEX SKIPPER Thymelicus lineola (Spynes Mere & The Moors - GJ)
(male The Moors & female Mercers West - GJ)
PURPLE HAIRSTREAK Neozephyrus quercus (Spynes Mere - GJ)
GREEN HAIRSTREAK Callophrys rubi (Spynes Mere - RB)
ORANGE-TIP Anthocaris cardomines
(Mercers CP & larva The Moors - RB & GJ)
LARGE WHITE Pieris brassicae (Mercers CP & Mercers Farm - GJ)
SMALL WHITE Pieris rapae (Mercers CP - GJ)

GREEN-VEINED WHITE Pieris napi (Mercers CP & Spynes Mere - GJ)

COMMON BLUE Polyommatus icarus (male & female The Moors - GJ)
COMMON BLUE Polyommatus icarus (The Moors - GJ)
HOLLY BLUE Celastrina argiolus (The Moors - GJ)

BROWN ARGUS Aricia agestis (Spynes Mere - RB & GJ)
SMALL COPPER Lycaena phlaeas (The Moors - GJ)