EMPEROR female Anax emperator (The Moors - GJ)

MIGRANT HAWKER Aeshna mixta (Cormongers Lane - GJ)
BROWN HAWKER male Aeshna grandis (The Moors - GJ)

BLACK-TAILED SKIMMER Orthetrum cancellatum
(male Mercers Farm & female The Moors - GJ)
BROAD-BODIED CHASER male Libulella depressa (The Moors - RB)
FOUR-SPOTTED CHASER Libulella quadrimaculata (The Moors - RB)
COMMON DARTER Sympetrum striolatum (male & female The Moors - GJ)
RUDDY DARTER Sympetrum sanguinium (male & female The Moors - GJ)

BANDED DEMOISELLE Calopteryx splendens (male & female The Moors - GJ)

BEAUTIFUL DEMOISELLE Calopteryx virgo (male & female The Moors - GJ)
COMMON BLUE DAMSELFLY Enallagma cyathegerum
(male & female Spynes Mere - GJ)
COMMON BLUE DAMSELFLY Enallagma cyathegerum
(imm. male Spynes Mere - GJ)
AZURE DAMSELFLY Coenagrion puella (male & female The Moors - GJ)
BLUE-TAILED DAMSELFLY Ischnura elegans (The Moors - GJ)
LARGE RED DAMSELFLY Pyrrhosoma nymphula (The Moors - GJ)