HORNET MIMIC HOVERFLY Volucella zonaria (The Moors - GJ)
PELLUCID HOVERFLY Volucella pellucens (The Moors - GJ)
Volucella inanis (The Moors - GJ)
Chrysotoxum verralli (Spynes Mere - GJ)
Chrysotoxum bicintum (The Moors - GJ)
Myathropa florea (The Moors - GJ)
Epistrophe eligans (The Moors - GJ)
Epistrophe grossulariae (The Moors - GJ)
DRONE FLY Eristalis tenax (The Moors - GJ and TB & JB)
DRONE FLY Eristalis arbustorum (Mercers CP - GJ)
Helophilus pendulus (The Moors - GJ)
Dasysyrphus albostriatus (Spynes Mere - GJ)
MARMALADE HOVERFLY Episyrphus balteatus (The Moors - GJ)
Eupeodes luniger (The Moors - GJ)
PIED HOVERFLY Scaeva pyrastri (Spynes Mere - GJ)
MIGRANT HOVERFLY Eupeodes corollae (Mercers CP - GJ)
LONG HOVERFLY Sphaerophoria scripta
(male The Moors & female Mercers CP - GJ)
Xanthogramma pedissequum (Cormongers Lane & The Moors - GJ)
Xylota segnis (The Moors - GJ)
Syrphus ribesii (Mercers CP - GJ)
Rhingia campestris (The Moors - GJ)
Melanostoma mellinum (Mercers CP - GJ)
CHEQUERED HOVERFLY Melanostoma scalare (Water Colours - GJ)
Meliscaeva auricollis (Water Colours - GJ)