Flora 1
MEADOW BUTTERCUP Ranunculus acris (The Moors - GJ)
CREEPING BUTTERCUP Ranunculus repens (Spynes Mere - GJ)
LESSER CELANDINE Ranunculus ficaria (The Moors - GJ)
WATER CROWFOOT Ranunculus aquatlis (Nutfield Ridge - GJ)
WOOD ANEMONE Anemone nemorosa (Nutfield Churchyard - GJ)
COMMON POPPY Papaver rhoeas (Mercers Farm - GJ)
COMMON FUMITORY Fumaria officinalis (Mercers Farm - GJ)
RAPE Brassica napus (Mercers Farm - GJ)
HEDGE MUSTARD Sisymbrium officinale (Mercers Farm - GJ)
HAIRY BITTER-CRESS Cardamine hirsuta
(Water Colours & The Moors - GJ)
CUCKOO FLOWER (LADY'S-SMOCK) Cardamine pratensis
(Nutfield Churchyard - GJ)
GARLIC MUSTARD Alliaria petiolata (The Moors - GJ)
HOARY CRESS Lepidium draba ssp chalepense (The Moors - GJ)
DITTANDER Lepidium latifolium (Water Colour Lagoons 1 & 2 - GJ)
LESSER SWINE-CRESS Coronopus didymus (Nutfield Ridge - GJ)
SHEPHERD'S PURSE Capsella bursa-pastoris (Mercers Farm - GJ)
HORSE-RADISH Armoracia rusticana (Mercers Farm - GJ)
WELD Reseda luteola (Water Colour mound - GJ)
PALE FLAX Linum bienne or cultivar (Spynes Mere - GJ)
PERFORATE ST JOHN'S-WORT Hypericum perforatum
(Spynes Mere - GJ)
COMMON DOG-VIOLET Viola riviniana (Chilmead Lane - GJ)
FIELD PANSY Viola arvensis (Mercers Farm - GJ)
WHITE CAMPION Silene latifolia (The Moors - GJ)
RED CAMPION Silene dioica (The Moors & Chilmead Lane - GJ)
RAGGED ROBIN Lychnis flos-cuculi (The Moors - GJ)
BLADDER CAMPION Silene vulgaris (The Moors - GJ)
COMMON CHICKWEED Stellaria media (The Moors - GJ)
GREATER STITCHWORT Stellaria holostea (Spynes Mere - GJ)
LESSER STITCHWORT Stellaria graminea (Mercers West - GJ)
COMMON MOUSE-EAR Cerastium fontanum (Mercers CP - GJ)
FAT-HEN Chenopodium album (Mercers Farm - GJ)
SPEAR-LEAVED ORACHE Atriplex prostrata (The Moors - GJ)
COMMON ORACHE Atriplex patula (The Moors - GJ)
COMMON MALLOW Malva sylvestris (The Moors & Mercers CP - GJ)
MUSK MALLOW Malva moschata (Water Colours - GJ)
HERB ROBERT Geranium robertianum (Mercers CP & Mercers West - GJ)
CUT-LEAVED CRANE'S-BILL Geranium dissectum (The Moors - GJ)
HEDGEROW CRANE'S-BILL Geranium pyrenaicum
(Nutfield Marsh Road - GJ)
DOVE’S-FOOT CRANE’S-BILL Geranium molle (The Moors - GJ)
MEADOW CRANE'S-BILL Geranium pratense (Spynes Mere - GJ)
GORSE Ulex europaeus (Spynes Mere - GJ)
BROOM Cytisus scoparius (Spynes Mere - GJ)
RED CLOVER Trifolium pratense (Mercers Farm - GJ)
WHITE CLOVER Trifolium repens (The Moors & Spynes Mere - GJ)
HARE'S-FOOT CLOVER Trifolium arvense (Spynes Mere - GJ)
HOP TREFOIL Trifolium campestre
(Water Colour mound & The Moors - GJ)
TUFTED VETCH Vicia cracca (The Moors - GJ)
BUSH VETCH Vicia sepium (The Moors - GJ)
SMOOTH TARE Vicia tetrasperma (Mercers Farm - GJ)
HAIRY TARE Vicia hirsuta (The Moors - GJ)
MEADOW VETCHLING Lathyrus pratensis (Spynes Mere - GJ)
GRASS VETCHLING Lathyrus nissolia (The Moors - GJ)
(edge of Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)
WHITE MELILOT Melilotus alba (Water Colours - GJ)
BLACK MEDICK Medicago lupulina (Water Colour mound - GJ)
BIRD'S-FOOT TREFOIL Lotus corniculatus
(Spynes Mere & Nutfield Ridge - GJ)
GOAT'S RUE Galega officinalis (normal & white var. The Moors - GJ)
ROWAN Sorbus aucuparia (Mercers CP - GJ)
WILD CHERRY Prunus avium (Mercers CP - GJ)
CRAB APPLE Malvus sylvestris (Mercers CP - GJ)
WILD SERVICE-TREE Sorbus torminalis (Spynes Mere - GJ)
WHITEBEAM Sorbus aria (agg.) (Mercers CP - GJ)
BLACKTHORN Prunus spinosa (Mercers east - GJ)
DAMSON (BULLACE) Prunus domestica
(Spynes Mere & near Glebe Lake - GJ)
CHERRY LAUREL Prunus laurocerasus (Mercers CP - GJ)
SNOWBERRY Symphoricarpos albus (Mercers CP - GJ)
WILD PEAR Pyrus communis (Spynes Mere - GJ)
CHERRY PLUM Prunus cerasifera (Spynes Mere - GJ)
HAWTHORN Crataegus mongyna (Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)
FIELD ROSE Rosa arvensis (Mercers CP - GJ)
DOG ROSE Rosa canina (Spynes Mere - GJ)
BRAMBLE Rubus fruticosus (Spynes Mere - GJ)
WILD RASPBERRY Rubus idaeus (Mercers CP - GJ)
CREEPING CINQUEFOIL Potentilla reptans
(Water Colour mound & The Moors - GJ)
SILVERWEED Potentilla anserina (Chilmead Lane - GJ)
BARREN STRAWBERRY Potentilla sterilis (Nutfield Churchyard - GJ)
WILD STRAWBERRY Fragaria vesca (Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)
AGRIMONY Agrimonia eupatoria (The Moors - GJ)
MEADOWSWEET Filipendula ulmaria
(Chilmead Lane & Nutfield Ridge - GJ)
(The Moors & Chilmead Lane - GJ)
ICE PLANT Sedum spectabile (garden escape, north of Mercers West - GJ)