Fungi & slime moulds 1

WARNING: Do not use these photos to identify edible species. Many similar-looking species are highly poisonous and may prove fatal if eaten.

SILVER-LEAF FUNGUS Chondostereum purpureum (Mercers CP - GJ)

CANDLESNUFF FUNGUS Xylaria hypoxylon
(Mercers CP & Chilmead Lane - GJ)

LEAFY BRAIN FUNGUS Tremella foliacea (Water Colours - GJ)

Boletus reticulatus (Spynes Mere - RB)

possible RED CRACKING BOLETE Boletus chrysenteron
(hedge at eastern end of Spynes Mere - GJ)

ORANGE BIRCH BOLETE Leccinum versipelle (Mercers CP - GJ)

BROWN BIRCH BOLETE Leccinum scabrum (Mercers CP - GJ)

BROWN ROLL-RIM Paxillus involutus (Nutfield Churchyard - GJ)

SHAGGY PARASOL Chlorophyllum rhacodes (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

SHAGGY PARASOL Chlorophyllum rhacodes (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

THE MILLER Clitopilus prunulus (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

(Mercers West - GJ)

SAFFRON MILK-CAP Lactarius deliciosus (Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

(Spynes Mere - GJ)

(Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

DRYAD'S SADDLE Polyporus squamosus
(opposite Nutfield Church, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

probable SHAGGY SCALYCAP Pholiota squarrosa (Mercers CP - GJ)

BLUSHING BRACKET Daedaleopsis confragosa (Mercers CP - GJ)

BLUSHING BRACKET (mature specimen) Daedaleopsis confragosa
(Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

WILLOW BRACKET Phellinus igniarius (Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

BIRCH POLYPORE Piptoporus betulinus (Mercers CP - GJ)

ARTIST'S BRACKET Ganoderma applanatum
(near railway embankment, The Moors - GJ)

possible HAIRY STERIUM Stereum hirsatum
(Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge & The Moors - GJ)

LUMPY BRACKET Trametes gibbosa (Mercers CP - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers CP - GJ)

probable TURKEY TAIL Trametes versicolor
(The Moors, near methane plant - GJ)

COMMON PUFFBALL Lycoperdon perlatum (Mercers Farm - GJ)

STUMP PUFFBALL Lycoperdon pyriforme (Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

FIELD MUSHROOM Agaricus campestris (Spynes Mere - GJ)

BROWN PUFFBALL Bovista nigrescens (Mercers east - GJ)

unidentified (Spynes Mere - GJ)

COMMON INKCAP Coprinopsis atramentaria (The Moors - GJ)

Coprinopsis nivea (Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

SHAGGY INKCAP Coprinus comatus (Water Colours - GJ)

Coprinopsis romagnesiana (Water Colours - GJ)

PLEATED INKCAP Parasola plicatilis (Mercers West & Spynes Mere - GJ)

IODINE BONNET Mycena filopes (Water Colours entrance - GJ)

ANGEL'S BONNET Mycena arcangeliana (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

COMMON BONNET Mycena aetites (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

possible MILKY BONNET Hemimycena lactea (Mercers CP - GJ)

WHITE DAPPERLING Leucoagaricus leucothites (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

probable WOOD MUSHROOM Agaricus silvicola (Mercers CP - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers CP - GJ)

(Mercers east - GJ)

Collybia fusipes (Water Colours - GJ)

Conocybe appendiculata (Water Colors - GJ)

possible Tephrocybe anthracophila (Mercers east - GJ)

DARK HONEY FUNGUS Armillaria ostoyae (Mercers CP)

possible FROSTY WEBCAP Cortinarius hemitrichus (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

unidentified (Spynes Mere - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers east - GJ)

Laccaria laccata (Mercers east - GJ)

COMMON CAVALIER Melanoleuca polioleuca (Water Colour mound - GJ)

(Mercers CP - GJ)

FENUGREEK MILKCAP Lactarius helvus
(Mercers CP - GJ)

BROWN MOTTLEGILL Panaeolina foenisecii (Mercers east - GJ)

Psathyrella hydrophila
(Mercers east - GJ)

(Mercers east - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers CP - GJ)

possible Entoloma rhodopolium (Mercers CP - GJ)

unidentified (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

unidentified (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

DRAB BONNET Mycena aetites (Mercers CP - GJ)

SCURFY TWIGLET Tubaria furfuracea (The Moors - GJ)

unidentified (
Spynes Mere - GJ)

possible POISON PIE
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Spynes Mere - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers CP - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers CP - GJ)

Cudoniella acicularis (The Moors - GJ)

TAWNY FUNNEL Lepista flaccida (Mercers Farm - GJ)

probable FROSTY FUNNEL Clitocybe phyllophila (Mercers CP - GJ)

CLOUDED FUNNEL Clitocybe nebularis (Mercers CP - GJ)

TROOPING FUNNEL Clitocybe geotropa (Water Colours entrance - GJ)

WOOD BLEWIT Lepista nuda (Mercers CP - GJ)

Mycena hiemalis (Mercers CP - GJ)

(Water Colours - GJ)

(Spynes Mere - GJ)

probable IVORY FUNNEL Clitocybe dealbata (Spynes Mere - GJ)

(Water Colours - GJ)

possible CEDARWOOD WAXCAP Hygrocybe russocoriacea (Mercers CP - GJ)

YELLOW FIELDCAP Bolbitius titubans (Spynes Mere - GJ)

SPLIT FIBRECAP Inocybe rimosa
(Water Colour mound - GJ)

THE BLUSHER Amanita rubescens (Mercers CP - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers east - GJ)

probable PLEATED INKCAP Parasola plicatilis (Spynes Mere - GJ)

unidentified (Spynes Mere - GJ)

unidentified (Spynes Mere - GJ)

unidentified (Spynes Mere - GJ)

Tricholoma fulvum
(Mercers CP - GJ)

Entoloma conferendum
(Mercers CP - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

STINKING DAPPERLING Lepiota cristata (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour entrance - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colours - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colours - GJ)

COMMON FUNNEL Clitocybe gibba (Water Colour mound - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour mound - GJ)

Lyophyllum decastes (Water Colour mound - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour mound - GJ)

unidentified (Water Colour mound - GJ)

unidentified (Mercers CP - GJ)

WEEPING WIDOW Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (Water Colours - GJ)

REDLEAD ROUNDHEAD Leratiomyces ceres (Water Colour mound - GJ)

Agaricus xanthodermus (Water Colours - GJ)

probable BAROMETER EARTHSTAR Astraeus hygrometricus
(Chilmead Lane - GJ)

VARIABLE OYSTERLING Crepidotus variabilis (Mercers CP - GJ)

Crepidotus cesatii (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

Marasmius rotula (Mercers CP - GJ)

CORAL SPOT Nectria cinnabarina (Mercers CP - GJ)

Creopus gelatinosus (Parkwood, Nutfield Ridge - GJ)

Hypomyces completus on Brown Birch Bolete (Mercers CP - GJ)

HAZEL WOODWART Hypoxylon fuscum (Chilmead Lane - GJ)

Rhytisma acerinum
(Mercers West & Mercers Farm - GJ)

Antrodia xantha (Mercers CP - GJ)

DOG VOMIT SLIME MOULD Fuligo septica (Mercers CP - GJ)